The desk is a crucial asset for a business, specially for one which entails drawing the future. This is not just a surface to place a computer or paper, but the landscape which one must navigate through and build.
These are a series of desks for the Miami based firm Rene Gonzalez Architect. Five sets of enormous surface composed of smaller modules. Very minimal in detail and construction makes it clean and light, something needed when designing and administrating large constructions.
Room dividers: 12' x 9' : Brushed Aluminum and solid walnut.
To divide or not to divide? This is the most common question asked among designers and their clients.
When there is a family of spaces, one cannot just come to the conclusion of divorce. It's about independence and compartmentalizing, yes, to keep order, but never to fully isolate. This here is a unit that celebrates the method by shutting the standard wall building and opening the opportunity for expression.
Collaboration with Sergio Pereira
This multi-use built-in unit dwells in a Miami loft. It contains a closet, full-size Murphy bed, desk, and storage. A whitewashed read oak with a unique chevron pattern for the doors brings an elegant warmth to the space. At the same time, a dark floors and live edge desk frame certain qualities of the overal unit.
40" diameter of solid walnut:
From the beginning of the construction of this Sri Yantra, it has brought the studio wonderful fortune. To believe in it or not, the studio has been different. The project has challenged patience and discipline, two crutcial characteristics of a woodworker. This sculpture has been made for a spiritual healer to display her crystals and minerals.
6' x 10' Solid Oak, Whitewash Finish, Hidden Hardware: Coconut Grove.
I find myself surrounded by oaks. A quantity so dense there is only a mass in front of my hands. I push and force seeking a horizon beyond, but there mass is too great. It is from the other side the which the gentle horizon opens to invite me into his living room.
3'x9' flush pivot hinged: Miami
Door within Door and on it goes. Opening and closing, closing and opening. When to stop? Never and always, that is all.
6'x10' Hidden Sliding Hardware, Whitewash Finish, Oak Veneer. Watermill, NY
I have fallen, but did not hit the ground. I'm moving sideways, but can't see how. Nothing to grab on to, but HOW?
Rudolf Budja Gallery Library:
This VERY custom library is made with the raw material the 5,000 books are made of, solid wood, painted matte black. Each shelve is unique, fitting within the exposed stud wall behind.
Alberto Cavalieri
Strong and sturdy, simple and modern, everything needed to support the works of this solid artist. Not much can be said about these pedestals, actually, nothing should be said, its all about the art.
Originally designed for The Kimberly Hotel in New York City. Designed with the consideration of harsh northern and tropical weather. The warm golden teak legs support a customized smooth concrete slab. The opening in the slab, contains a stainless troth for various uses like plants or even an icebox for refreshments.
Collaboration with Arta Perezic.
These planters are here to stay. Wood slatted textured, like those brutal architecture works we love so much. Made for the tough New York City climates at the Kimberly Hotel balconies.
Collaboration with Arta Perezic.
Originally designed for The Kimberly Hotel in New York City. Designed with the consideration of harsh northern and tropical weather. The warm golden teak legs support a customized smooth concrete slab.
Collaboration with Arta Perezic.
Collaboration with Arta Perezic.
a salvaged chair which has been refinished and reupholstered. The curved wooden elements have been sculpted to be more comforatable and appealing to our eyes.
Caissa is a chess set all made with the a sculptural cement. Although not a black and white game, the sides differ in treatment. One side is smooth and polished, while the other is chiseled and "experienced".
This was it, can never be made again, just one and one alone. But don't be fooled, Fabio Designs can make others like it following the same concept of design simplicity and good quality. This was made with left overs from a very special project, thus became a gift for the very special client.